the irelanders' adventures of thomas and friends transcript

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Thomas: Victor! I wasn't really in love with Connor. And the blue shrimp you're talking about is called Thomas. Mai Lacey: Emily! The film would have taken place in London during World War II, and revolved around a pre-teen boy who has drifted apart from his father. Fireman Sam: You should have listened to what we told you. Diesel: The steamies and your friends know that. [He uses his creature pod to look inside the crates]. Percy: (laughs) Well, you are very good at shunting, Thomas. All the best shunters were going to the show as well. [Mai looks on with the princesses. Aviva Corcovado: He's always nothing but trouble to us. Thomas: Oh, of course. [They run and Ashima pull Thomas back just as the pole hits the track and starts sparking then a workman shuts it off]. The Fat Controller had selected all the engines that he wanted to take with him. Diesel: I'm full of surprises They ought to say of me I bring some razzle dazzle to the yard I'm full of surprises As you can plainly see I don't find being surprising all that hard Some would probably say I'm only up to my old tricks But I'd say I'm a problem solver Looking for a nice quick fix, [Diesel snickers as the crates moved out of the Dieselworks], Diesel: I'm full of surprises They ought to say of me I bring some razzle dazzle to the rail I'm full of surprises As you can plainly see I'm trusting my surprises to prevail I hope this time being surprising doesn't fail! Mai Lacey: No way, Robbie! Spike: I don't know. They call him the Flying Scotsman. Vinnie: Show me what you little guys got! That should have been me! Her painted looks are divine! Linda Alpha Megatronus Overlord Makuta Midnight Sparkle Drako Ultimate Ninja Ultron Sigma Kilobot Lucemon Zarc Makino Morphos Mortum Terrorax Coredegon Slycerak Exostriker Mandibor Mag Mel Magmion Lavion Obscurio Magor Naga Whisp Ryan/The Chimera Shredderette: As for Twilight, she was going to be a little help of ours. Flying Scotsman: You have to stop! Besides, it's an accident and accidents happen. This is the transcript for The Irelanders' Adventures of Thomas and Friends: Tale of the Brave. Thanks for reminding me. Vinnie: Anyway, I better get ready. Rainbow Dash: How selfish of you to leave before being fitted with your safety valve. Hawk Moth: And then mess up Emily and James' new paint jobs at the Best Decorated Engine contest, then cause a crash at the Great Race. This is the transcript of The Irelanders' Adventures of Thomas & Friends: Percy's Parcel. Ashima: Wow. From now on, I shall be known as the Shooting Star! [He start to reverse but push a ladder against the side of the wall and the paint flew all over the place and Thomas too have been covered in paint], Thomas: Surprise! [The engines and Irelanders got confused]. Kion: We have to look every inch of the place. Diesel and Diesel 10 just takes advantage of his navet and gullible nature since it makes him easily misled and use it to their advantage. Vinnie: Are those guys I saw at the docks with that blue shrimp? Station Officer Steele: It's just not safe to race without it! Thomas: Philip was right! I'II show the Fat Controller what I can do best. Chris Kratt: You think that's gonna stop us that easily? Thomas: Connor faced her during the Capture the Flag event. So we'll get ready you in first place! Anglerfish 12 12. Thomas: Ho-ho-ho! Violet Parr: But what Diesel did was unforgivable. Antauri: A realm not only of sight and sound of the Imagination. Norman Price: And thanks to you, Sodor has lost a event! But how's that tank engine here? Garble: Soon, revenge against Spike, those puny ponies and that teen will be ours. It was almost the day of the Great Railway Show and The Fat Controller was choosing his engines. Norman Price: We'll never find her at this rate. Scattershot: Here it comes! I actually think it would be cool. [The film starts with Ryan running. Guys? King Sombra: I was aware of that all along. The Ultimate Pokmon Tournament Part 2/Transcript I've got a pretty good idea you are behind her disappearance. Ace Bunny: We know Rajiv's from India like Ashima but what names are the black one and the red one and what countries they're from? Etienne is coming up fast now! Look at me. Philip: No! Thomas: Annie! My friends tell me about you all the time. Thanks to our young leader. What are you doing? Sploshy: Why, Connor? I really don't see why she should get to go. When Twilight's friends infiltrate the city and defeat the Storm King's guards, he conjures a tornado with the staff, betraying Tempest as well. Ishani: Did you know that Ashima and I come from the same country? You're our only hope! Announcer: And what a splendid engine he is. Thomas: Yes, sir. Twilight Sparkle: You should be. Tubb: Not everything goes according to plan you know. Sunset Shimmer, a rogue student of Princess Celestia, and Diesel, one of Thomas' enemies, emerge from . [They roll over the Vicarstown Bridge and soon arrived at a yard on the mainland]. Fireman Sam: I think that's what he does since he's devious, Sparky. Chris Kratt: And not only that, you'II never get a chance to take part. [One of the judges, a old man, speaks up]. Queen Chrysalis: He went to the mainland to give Gordon his safety valve. Ashima: It's good to see you too, Fortress Maximus. There's no time for this. Pinkie Pie: Percy, did you know we met the Flying Scotsman? King Sombra: Wait and see. Sterling: Looks like James and Emily lost the parade. (reverses into some trucks) Oops. Shooting Star: Oh, nonsense guys! Mai Lacey: I'm Mai Lacey. Gordon: Well, you're taking too long! Gordon: That is my new emblem. Thomas: Bright colours? And I'm surprised you're that teenage boy's stepmother. Spud the Scarecrow: And it's almost time for us to leave. Emily: Concentrate, Thomas! We helped you overcome the obstacles you faced! Flying Scotsman: Glad to hear it, Connor. Thomas: I have something important to give to you. Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, there's still one more big event here at the Great Railway Show. Princess Celestia: Until evening when he goes back to North America. Twilight Sparkle: He was helping Ashima that's why. Principal Cinch: At least, I can have my revenge against Sunset Shimmer, Connor Lacey and their friends for winning the Friendship Games and turning Twilight to Canterlot High. Zach Varmitech: We'II find out when he arrives. Twilight Sparkle: It's good to see you again after sometime. And as they approached the finish line, it looks like Spencer's gonna take it. My name is Frieda. What a tragedy! (giggles). You're going to spoil my trick! King Sombra: You stay out of this, boxcab! The Irelanders' Adventures of My Little Pony: The Movie is a movie for The Irelanders' Adventures of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. Gordon: Thomas is right. I can't wait! Robbie Rotten: (groans) We must stop them and that blue tank engine from competing. Big Adventures The Movie. She is a Tsundere. Working together to win is definitely it. Announcer: Now, welcome one and all. The Irelanders' Super Adventures of Thomas & Friends: Big World! Poppy O'Hair: Now let's deal with these villains! Mrs Kyndley to the refreshment. Percy: Oh. The scene changes to the tree where the birds and the squirrels went down from the tree and run and fly with the rabbits as Thomas puffs into view] Thomas: Whoo-hoo! And you know at the end of the day it is you who survive! You mustn't race! Rex: Nothing can stand in our way, Paisley. Dr Rockwell: Is it me or is Thomas on a track that leads engines off the mainland? But you're going to lose. (The episode begins) Ash Ketchum: (Narrating) Previously on Tino's Adventures Chronicles. (breaths) I'm so cold. The camera pans up to a dried up riverbed and towards an island with a tree in the center. [The villains go off to watch as the flagman blew his whistle, wave his green flag and the contest started]. Linda Alpha Megatronus Overlord Makuta Midnight Sparkle Drako Ultimate Ninja Ultron Sigma Kilobot Lucemon Zarc Makino Morphos Mortum Terrorax Coredegon Slycerak Exostriker Mandibor Mag Mel Magmion Lavion Obscurio Magor Naga Whisp Galvatron Megatron Ryan/The Chimera Shredderette: You're welcome. What's yours, armored woman? Maybe she was jealous! But aren't you meant to be on your branch line right now? Sam and the Irelanders enter the vehicle bay through the door before Sam and Ellie grab their helmets. Tubb: I see. I didn't mean to surprise you, guys, but I'm afraid I can't help it. [Then Spike burps out a letter from Princess Celestia], [Connor read the letter and got surprised that his mother is attending the Great Railway Show]. Announcer: And he overtook Spencer as they cross the line. thomas-the-tank-engine-and-friends-transcripts Identifier-ark ark:/13960/s2vnqqw8327 Ocr tesseract 5.0.0-1-g862e Ocr_autonomous true Ocr_detected_lang en Nightmare Moon: That's right you fools. Paxton: Oh, okay, Diesel. This is the transcript of The Irelanders' Adventures of Thomas & Friends: Buzzy Bees. Flying Scotsman: Of course, I have been to many places. James: Honestly! The Fat Controller: Uh Oh! I'm going to need more popcorn! It's the Flying Scotsman]. Ron Stoppable: We'll have to wait for the ship to pass. Discord: Just showing my magic to the viewers. Queen Chrysalis: So as part of my revenge, my subjects will capture Twilight, her friends, Princess Celestia, Luna, Cadance, Shining Heart, their new baby, and Connor's friends and bring them to the Changeling Kingdom. The Abyss 11 11. Twilight Sparkle: [thinks then smirks evilly] Sounds like a plan. Diesel: I suppose so. Ashima: Ooh! Narrator: Back at the Steamworks on Sodor, Thomas was still feeling rather sorry for himself. Spike: Aren't you supposed to be at the Railway Show by now? You wonder who is passing through Whoosh! Jessica Herleins: Great Railway Show Engines are super athletic, super smart and super motivated but there's one thing they aren't. Once he's been streamlined, Gordon will be faster than ever! Hopefully, Diesel 10, 'Arry and Bert won't be too angry about this. Why me? Twilight Sparkle: I've gotta warn the others. Isn't that right, Gordon? Tubb: I'm Tubb. [to Vinnie] You want revenge for him standing up to you. Flying Scotsman: Gordon? James: Will you won't you take me to the Railway Show? Garble: I'm so glad you've invited me, Linda. Victor: What's so important that you have to keep interrupting? Class _L_LX Book PRESE^^^ED bw A STUDY OF THE NEWE METAMORPHOSIS WeITTEN by J. M., GENT, 1600 BY JOHN HENRY HOBART LYON Submitted in Paetial Fulfillment of the Requirements FOE TH I've some bad news, regrading the Great Railway Show. [The signalman sees and quickly switches the points], [The signalman switches the points again], [The signalman switches the points a third time and Thomas is soon on Samson's line]. Fireman Sam: You can stay there to think about what you've done. You can do anything if you put your mind to it. Twilight Sparkle: (gasps, remembering something) I didn't get to apologize to her. Chris Kratt: Well, Flying Scotsman and I are green. Thomas: I know. Connor Lacey: That's actually a good idea. Toy medical stuff lies across the floor. [They set off and the scene changes to Mai showing Connor and his friends recordings of the Test of Strength and the Best Decorated Parade since they miss it]. I'm sorry, Ashima. Philip: That's because his race is about to begin. Just like when she missed out on the fun I had with her friends. He just copied what the announcer said. Give me that remote, woman! Commander Nemex: Now nothing can stand in our way. Hello . Good luck to you too. That's why she's working with us now. Flying Scotsman: I see. Thomas: Gordon! [Thomas comes rushing in with The Irelanders]. Njano: Sorry. Queen Chrysalis: Of course you do. Diesel: Well, in exchange, you help me with my plan for the Great Railway Show. [The film begins with the intro then shows a nice sunny blue sky. Hawk Moth: We tell our other villain allies to come to the GRS to help as well. She needed to get to the Railway Show. Thomas: But look at me! Robbie Rotten: (shouting to Paxton, Den and Dart) WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! [The film starts with Dr. Neo Cortex in the time prison, looking at something] Dr. Neo Cortex: Crash Bandicoot. It . Chick Hicks: What's Diesel planning for The Great Railway Show? Your track is blocked! Emerl's Misadventures Of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest movie transcripts; My Little Pony/Sonic Heroes Power Hour Timeline Paradox Transcript; The Transcript for Pooh's Adventures of Pokmon: The Movie 2000; Getting Married; Making snowglobes and discussing the Deegans; The Spinosaurus; Emerl's Adventures Of Barney in Outer Space . The Fat Controller: (chuckles) Of course I am, Connor. Mai Lacey: Don't be so sure, Shooting Star. Starlight Glimmer: Well, folks looks like Chrysalis is at it again. Is that what you're all saying? This is a list of all of the Thomas Transcripts that Pikachufreak has. Jiminy Cricket: He had to, Sam! The Railway Series Books 1 and 2; The Three Railway Engines and Thomas the Tank Engine were adapted in The Adventure Begins special. (Philip yelps by being bumped by Diesel), Diesel: You ought to take me, Sir I'm modern and new Your first diesel ever I'm loyal, kind and true, Percy, Emily and Sidney: It's gonna be special It's gonna be great Off to the Mainland without coaches or freight, Charlie, Scruff and Stafford: Please Sir, I beg you You can't tell me no. Vinnie: Well, you need to put the brakes on that German female engine's flatbed so she'II be struggling. Twilight Sparkle: Okay, Norman, cool your jets! Vinnie: Perfect. But we need to very careful on this one. Bob's idea is good. That's what I'm best at! Vinnie: I've gotta make sure I win this year. You are like heroes to me. Make sure to watch it. So you have to. [The song Be Who You Are, and Go Far starts playing], [On the ship, Diesel is still calling for help when some green magic touches the crate and lifts it to reveal Queen Chrysalis]. Potato head lets out a groaning wheeze as some of his pieces start getting pushed out. Narrator: But that afternoon, as Thomas was pulling the Local with Annie and Clarabel [Thomas whistles as he arrives then saw Ashima approaching much to his dismay]. Ashima: Thomas, are you any good at shunting and sorting out trucks? Sonata Dusk: He's competing for Japan and since he's on your team, he'II make you win by winning the strength competition but we make sure he doesn't. Diesel: Yes way. She was doing the job that Thomas was meant to be doing! Principal Cinch: Although I'm still not sure why Linda and Hades bring back that monster to join the Foot Empire like me. Iago: There's something you don't see every day. Commander Nemex: (in Janja's voice) Secret? Station Officer Steele: When Sir Topham Hatt called, Sam, he said he'd give us further information when we get there. Gordon: Oh Thomas, will you stop your whining? Are you going to the Great Railway Show? Goofs There are a few mistakes shown in the credits: Njano: Diesel wants to go to the Great Railway Show and we can't let the tank engine, Connor and his friends to interfered, do we? Captain Jake: You were singing Ashima's song. He press a button but a commercial came on], [Robbie look around then see the remote, ask hello and then press again to stop it], Robbie Rotten: Sorry, wrong channel. Mike Flood: But still, it kinda reminds me of that day! Duece Gorgon: Yeah! Slip into silent slumber, sail on a silver mist. Too true. Fortress Maximus (PWT): It's good to see you again. Sterling: All because he didn't have his safety valve. Twilight Sparkle: Not after what you've done! Queen Chrysalis: Yes. Nightmare Moon: Robbie, so glad you could join our little get together. Slowly and surely your senses will cease to resist. Isn't that right, Gordon? The scene changes to the windmill on Thomas' branch line where Ashima is pulling Annie and Clarabel]. Bella Lasagne: You heard him! Clarabel: Not today, Thomas! Yuto: I think he is trying to be more than a little engine, Gordon. Helen Parr/Elastigirl: There's no way she'd leave without saying goodbye. [Thomas snap out of his thoughts in shock]. Chug: That's what you get for not letting Cruz achieve her dream! Ripslinger: So either get your sounds right next time or go hang with that teenager and pals! Flying Scotsman: (gasps) Oh, my. Robbie Rotten: I did said it. You took it again? [They began searching and Gordon was puffing by when Flying Scotsman approaches]. Ashima: This is all so terribly unfair! Besides, Victor is a narrow gauge engine. Full steam ahead! Hello, squirrels! [Robbie pondered then get a idea and press the play button to stop], [Connor stop spinning and lands on the ground with his feet, feeling giddy]. He's a steamie. Get the flatbeds! I thought Connor was in love with you but I was wrong. Stop pushing! Sploshy: Splish, Splash, Splosh! Percy: You? Norman Price: Thomas' heading towards my diesel counterpart! Philip: I found the track for the Great Race! Shadow: Yeah. Frieda: (scoffs) Do I look like a Gordon? Victor: I'm afraid we're a little busy and. Thomas: This is important, Victor! Midnight Sparkle: They thought I would be of use to their cause. Especially if Connor's taking a new interest in her. [Howls]. Lightning McQueen: You forgot that he wants me to quit racing and sell merchandise. What's yours? Both her . Wrong stop! James Jones: This is way bigger than Pontypandy. (chuckles), Zach Varmitech: Soon Diesel will go to the Great Railway Show and victory against Connor and his friends will be ours! [He quickly reverses as Philip reverses in. We're back! Well, you better watch where you're going, Shorty, or you might end up being recycled! Sodor trains united together! If that cannonball blows up, it'll ruin my new paintwork! Is Equestrian magic on the loose? 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