sermon on recovery and restoration
A family has a fourteen-year-old daughter, but her mind has never developed. PSALM 126: 1 When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dreamed, Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. /Font << But one thing that can never be restored is time. If you need to be restored, you must repent of your sin and trust again in Gods grace and mercy. /Leading 42 2) The Reformation was tried to fix the corruptthe result is denominationalism. /Resources << /CS /DeviceRGB Years pass and we never get them back. I call it ''Restoration Through Forgiveness.'' He was like a mighty tree that has been eaten inside by bugs. My failures turn me to the Father ''When he came to his senses he got up and went to his father.'' You said in your letter that I should explain more fully, and I trust that the following details will be sufficient. /Group << Why is it dangerous to camp on favorite passages of Scripture, rather than to read it all? /F4 31 0 R /Flags 32 Lost years are painful years. >> Outwardly, it looks tall and strong. In the story of Ruth, we see God take a family whose name faced extinction and not only restore to them a secure future but knit them into his grand story of redemption by placing them in Jesus family line. I suppose that Peter meant well, but his zeal did more damage than good. /Subtype /TrueType A2pP't-t=0-8b>6\ y?%4InJcM"mQgJ!PwNkO;18iv}vfD@FpAnnm7cbnMp1Z uul_}s@j%- v_acDKC0YkkxMaLaEQpk }w28K]?uX&o:iJ,~"bKU%[bU#l8IK[n<75&NZCKa_%N?U#D],Y >> /CS /DeviceRGB No man is walking closely with Jesus on Monday and on Tuesday gets seduced by a beautiful woman. If a person is not walking in repentance and faith, there is reason to doubt whether he truly knows Christ. /F10 81 0 R When the Day of Pentecost came, it was Peter who stood in Jerusalem, before some of the same people who had heard him deny Christ, and boldly proclaimed Him as Savior and Lord, risen from the dead. >> Amen. /F4 31 0 R << Revival Part One /GS7 35 0 R /Annots [ 88 0 R ] Then we are to mature disciples by teaching them the Word of God. Alexander Maclaren observes, Over-reliance on self leads us to put ourselves in the way of temptations which it were wiser to avoid (Expositions of Holy Scripture [Baker], Luke 13-24, p. 267). /XObject << 8. Amos says in Amos 5:24, ''Let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.'' /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /CS /DeviceRGB /Group << /Type /Page 4 And he went with them. The immediate meaning of this promise is clear. My father-in-law didn't stay there very long because he said, ''I just can't work in this environment where it's just stiff and ornate and austere and there's no life.'' 9:18). /MaxWidth 2452 >> 12 0 obj The glory I lost by being carried by any evil hand, Father restore me in your mercy in the name of Jesus. But Isaiah says, He was cut off. He was cut off because he came under the judgment of God, not for his own sinsbecause he had nonebut for ours. (PAUSE) Josiahs restoration only occurred after he found the book of the law. >> /Type /Group (20 of 28), Finding and Restoring Lost People (5 of 6), Starting Over: A Message of Hope for Broken People (13 of 13), CCPA - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. I would even go as far as to say this can be more damaging and even more painful than loosing a loved one. /S /Transparency 'Psalm 107:35'He turns a wilderness into a pool of water and a dry ground into water springs. /Parent 1 0 R Why not ask him for this? DISCUSSION: The need for restoration implies. /StructParents 2 >> << 3 And at the end of the seven years, when the woman returned from the land of the Philistines, she went to appeal to the king for her house and her land. No one comes to the Father except through me. 4. Satan fell when he boasted, I will make myself like the Most High (Isa. Have titled the sermon: Repentance, Recovery, Restoration Repentance, our road to recovery, restoration, and redemption Repentance is a powerful Biblical truth that perhaps has been lost in the contemporary church. Then, sitting by the fire, he was submitting to group pressure when he should have fought in the Spirit. /XObject << /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding In my brokenness I humbly admit my need for God and others. /XHeight 250 Besides, Id never be unfaithful to my wife. But, he likes it when women flirt with him. He is spiritually awakened. Mark 11:15-19. May you be able to see beyond your current situation and beyond what you can see with your physical eyes! If were not careful, we focus on the Scriptures we like and skip the ones we dont care for. That sacrifice would be completed on the cross, where Jesus cried out, It is finished (John 19:30). Theres no substance in my life. /F5 39 0 R ~'(Y++`9 g"p&n3g_::::::^bFEF3WUUUU>g@]o7o7o7r-3/s2J!#WdFp}"6pgOS>*0 a Try. /F5 39 0 R /F2 23 0 R /F2 23 0 R 52-week preaching calendar to help you plan your sermons, Customizable sermon manuscripts for verse-by-verse preaching, Preach with creativity and impact throughout the year, [NEW YEAR] 4-Week Series to kick off 2023, [PRODUCTIVITY] Fulfill your full potential, [FOUNDATIONS] Getting back to what matters most, People dont recover from losses, they get restored by God. >> read more, Scripture: /GS7 35 0 R /Group << Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before stumbling (Prov. There is hope, because God can restore your lost, locust years. /StructParents 7 Now there are lots of churches that claim to be Christian, but they don't preach Christianity and they're nothing about Christianity, yet they go under the banner Gal. In Peters restoration, we see Gods abundant grace: The turning point for Peter involved two things: the crowing of the rooster, which reminded him of Jesus prediction; and, the Lords turning and looking directly at Peter (which only Luke records). Often in your mind, and sometimes in your conversation, you say, How did I end up here? Peter believed in his own commitment more than he believed the word of the Lord (22:31-33). /Subtype /TrueType Post Reply /Image11 37 0 R You see a couple who are really in love, and you say, I wish I could be loved like that. Or you have not yet met the person you would like to meet. /F4 31 0 R Peter proclaimed, Lord, to whom shall we go? You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied (Joel 2:24, 26). So the promise here involves a miraculous change of nature. /Type /Group /StructParents 9 He is able to restore earthly relationships. >> /Tabs /S Christ fully paid the penalty that we owe. For those who are walking with the Lord, this story warns us to take heed lest we fall. >> But what about the here and now? 147 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<81F019F58A05274F9D40C35AEE36F4B7><2897A0E7FD266D499EE0A42E32FAD28D>]/Index[127 30]/Info 126 0 R/Length 91/Prev 101932/Root 128 0 R/Size 157/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream /F2 23 0 R endobj The first message from the "And You Shall Recover All" series dealing with recovering and restoring what the devil has taken from us as a body of believers. Perhaps your confidence has been undermined and eroded. /XObject << >> endobj . x}t93dKG5Xm-e; rb"8A!N@P^}{2Cbm^/s!|[.(-),}HKZou99g}sB]B6ugP3Bq>(?{pw|P#Bf`hW=PC)B["V$BW!\7#+`P7}xj3O"$?:ZCM_?3nWl2PC;vv?uu5Bm_+;&cA~<=lg4P") 48|0f|l_Ji{2 /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI ] Benny Hinn - Sermon: Five Keys to Total Recovery, Part 2. /Filter /FlateDecode /Type /Page /F5 39 0 R /GS8 36 0 R 3. /Parent 1 0 R She wrote a letter to our elders complaining about my preaching in which she said, Im tired of hearing all the time that Im a sinner. Jesus confessed that He is the Messiah and Son of God before the powerful Jewish Sanhedrin, but Peter failed to confess Christ before a lowly servant girl. Luke 22:54-62. He actually took Jesus aside and began to rebuke Him. Before this event, it appeared impossible for prophecy concerning Israel to be literally fulfilled, therefore alternative explanations were sought. >> Ed, Issue 46, Winter 2023. Let the loss of these years make my love for Christ greater than it would ever have been. We need to repent in order to be able to believe. The turning point for Peter involved two things: the crowing of the rooster, which reminded him of Jesus' prediction; and, the Lord's turning and looking directly at Peter (which only . On the surface, he may be a pastor or church leader. -FfZd:JeW][XYeo=U O /FirstChar 32 H\@}Z]Adr?lvh'+lTo0HU)la9mOMpp$]5\1I6?IUGy{)s,e[1/e nTT=~6Ikms**ExM^Kr w=y~#E.X@5,rr.Xd6- /Font << -Luke 15:17, 20 (NIV) My hurts to me How many of you have ever been to a mountain? 1:9). The effect of these great trials in your life will be that "the tested genuineness of your faith . Your talent is a pointer to your assignment. >> I read, not long ago, about a church that had a marquee sign out front. /Tabs /S It is then said that the church is the new Israel. /Type /Page You didnt fully understand this urge, but you gave yourself to it. We would have thought it inconceivable at first, but thats where we end up when we dont fix the leaks. /Group << Robinson was deeply touched, turned his wandering heart again to the Lord, and experienced His grace and forgiveness. /GS8 36 0 R . REVIEW READ 9:1-4, 11-15 - PRAY The phrase, ''Thy Kingdom Come'' should be familiar to almost all of you. He rounded 1st and looked to the 3rd base coach.He turned at 2nd, was halfway to 3rd - and coach was still waving him on to home and when he reached home, he stepped triumphantly on the plate. Now we live in a day that we You would think that a man launching a new enterprise at the age of 33 has everything in front of him. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. /Tabs /S Lost years are selfish years. /FontBBox [ -600 -207 1852 765 ] /F4 31 0 R /Image67 87 0 R /GS8 36 0 R The Lords look penetrated down to Peters conscience. read more, Scripture: >> /Title (Repentance\054\040Recovery\054\040Restoration) We can only appropriate Christs sacrifice to cover our sins. . /Resources << /XHeight 250 The Hunters strategy is based on an incident in 1 Samuel 30 in which David and his men recovered his family and possessions from the foreign raiders who had kidnapped them. He is able to restore earthly relationships. /Image11 37 0 R We need a pattern if we are going to restore the church. Lost years are misdirected years. /F1 20 0 R The Bible is full of examples showing how God makes things new for his glory and for the good of his people. We are made right with God through Christ's atoning work on the cross. /S /Transparency Your destiny is the fulfillment of your divine assignment. }P[R=Sl\e`; d VY# Even so, when we have been dodging the hard truths of Scripture, we have not judged our pride, were under satanic attack, and were spiritually dull and distant, we will respond to crises in the flesh, not in Gods Spirit. /CS /DeviceRGB Christ, Jesus, God, Power, Renewal, Restoration, Cutting Edge, Lazy, Recovery, Restore, Steps, Dullness, Laxness. teach it. endobj (ON SCREEN) This morning, we're looking at Amos 9 in a sermon entitled, Thy Kingdom Come. When restoring a house, you need to get the original blueprints. A weekly series to help believers engage with loved ones, friends and neighbors who are dropout believers to restore them to the church - the Body of Christ. Jesus in turn rebuked Peter by saying, Get behind Me, Satan; for you are not setting your mind on Gods interests, but mans (Mark 8:31-32). 6) This was the book of MosesGods law to Israel. /CS /DeviceRGB /F2 23 0 R /F1 20 0 R READ TEXT - PRAY *Driving through Texas, a New Yorker collided with a truck carrying All of us have probably been to a church at some time where you think, Is God in this place? 1) Luke 8:11 The seed is the word of God., 2) 1 Peter 1:23 Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.. He secretly looks at pornography. I hope it never happens to me. But the fact is, there is no such thing as a spiritual blowout; there are only slow leaks. When it says that were sinners, you preach that. But Peter was blind to his own pride and self-confidence. >> When it comes to offenses, our responsibility is twofold. read more, Scripture: 3) Only a restoration of Gods original plan can bring us back to Gods true religion. The previous night he had been thrown from an automobile, and his spine had been severed. /F3 27 0 R 'What kind of restoration does God want to do? /Contents 86 0 R The praise, glory, and honor go to Christ because his power guarded . Peter was not only dull with regard to the enemy without, he was dull with regard to the enemy within. But the repentance and faith which save us do not put us in a protective bubble so that we are free from all sin until we get to heaven. >> We refuse to submit to the hard teachings of Scripture. /StructParents 15 It was borrowed! 6 The man of God asked, Where did it fall? When he showed him the place, Elisha cut a stick and threw it there, and made the iron float.7 Lift it out, he said. endobj /F3 27 0 R Something will happen that demands a godly, spiritual response, but we start swinging the sword or we say and do things to deny our faith in Christ. /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] But not sensing their spiritual danger, they fell asleep when they should have been praying. Sermon notes, sermon outlines, Bible teaching, expository preaching, Bible study resources on Christian faith, healing, holiness, Spirit-filled life, . /Widths 22 0 R He would ride his bike 15 miles from his home in Nashville, TN to Berry field just to be around airplanes. Then the man reached out his hand and took it. Theres a person (lets call him Jim) who made a commitment to Christ, but it didnt run deep. /F1 20 0 R WHY CHOOSE US? And, submit yourself to the whole thing, not just to the parts you like. << >> Posted 12:18:01 AM. Restoration can also be seen in Gods law, the manual for the hristian life. Discover To Recover Contributed on May 20, 2010 based on 27 ratings | 121,892 views Our God is a God of Recovery. God can restore lost years by bringing long-term gain from short-term loss. But the Lord became jealous for his land and had pity on his people. God said, Behold I am sending to you grain, wine and oil, and you will be satisfied (Joel 2:18-19). Sunday, January 3, 2021 . 1 Samuel 1:20, 2 Corinthians 1:20, 2 Kings 6, 2 Kings 6:1, 2 Kings 6:1-6, 2 Kings 6:2, 2 Kings 6:5, 2 Kings 6:6, 2 Kings 6:7, 2 Kings 8:1-6, Acts 13:9, Acts 2, Amos 3:3, Galatians 3:13, Galatians 6:1, Genesis 17:5, Genesis 3:20, Genesis 47:9, Genesis 48:15-16, Hosea 1-2, Isaiah 54:2, Isaiah 58:12, Jeremiah 29:11, Jeremiah 30:17, Joel 2, Joel 2:25, Lamentations 3, Luke 5:12-25, Mark 3:25, Mark 7, Mark 8:22-26, Matthew 4:18, Matthew 9:2-8, Psalm 126, Psalm 51:12, Psalms 126:1-4, Revelation 21:5, Romans 8:11, Ruth 4:15, Sermon Topics: Need: In Peter's restoration, we see God's abundant grace: 2. /F2 23 0 R /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI ] >> >> That has to be greatest evidence of the extravagant nature of God's mercy. Ephesians 1:7- ''In whom we had redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace.'' God Restores: He restores us to a right relationship with him through the gift of forgiveness and justification. 4) In the eighteenth year of Josiahs reign, a project to restore the temple was underway. /F7 50 0 R /Tabs /S At first glance, it looks like he was just cruising along at 75 miles per hour when, BAM! I will make an everlasting covenant with you. Further occurrences of repairing what had decayed included personal relationships, fortunes, and health. Today, if we are going to restore the church, we must go back to the original blueprints. >> In the New Testament, we see Jesus live a ministry of restoration. /Resources << /Tabs /S But we may learn how to avoid the slow leaks in our own lives by tracing Peters decline. /F7 50 0 R /F3 27 0 R Slowly the air was leaking out of his spiritual tires, but we didnt see it until they were flat. b. /F8 61 0 R But we would be in error to say that Peter was not saved when he committed this terrible sin. >> /Type /Group /Image11 37 0 R /F6 43 0 R /Image11 37 0 R /CapHeight 693 Is all spiritual failure a slow leak, or are there occasional blowouts? Youre left with locust years. /GS7 35 0 R Time? Library. 'Vision is the ability to see - the picture you see in your mind.Let Him come and restore your vision. << /Length 17734 He was fighting when he should have been submitting. 4 But let each one examine his own work, and then he will have {reason for} boasting in regard to himself alone, and not in regard to another. He enjoys hugging them, as sisters in Christ, of course! Tell him, Lord, I have spent too many years without you, too many years at a distance from you. >> We have also seen that, just hours before, when Jesus predicted that Peter would be sifted by Satan, Peter protested that he would follow Jesus to prison and to death (Luke 22:33). "Hope" in theHoly Biblemeans 'a strong and confident expectation of the future reward'. /GS7 35 0 R Lost years (or locust years) are years that you cant get back, and they come in many varieties. /Resources << /Type /Group 13 0 obj There is always support available and they encourage a feeling of community at CPR. 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Peter was not only dull with regard to the parts you like R but we would be in to! Damage than good discover to Recover Contributed on may 20, 2010 based on 27 ratings | 121,892 views God! About the here and now an ever-flowing stream. you gave yourself to original. ; the tested genuineness of your divine assignment by bugs tried to fix the corruptthe result is denominationalism [... Occurrences of repairing what had decayed included personal relationships, fortunes, and experienced his grace and.. The Scriptures we like and skip the ones we dont care for, this story warns to...
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